Basil Pesto Hummus

This Basil Pesto Hummus is the epic marriage of two delectable spreads, creating one mouthwatering combination that you’ll want to put on everything.

Basil Pesto Hummus

This is going to sound weird… but Christian and I have always collectively loved hummus.

I think maybe more him than me, just because he will, like, smear it on chicken and call it dinner. But we’ve always just made sure there was hummus around. You know that one snack you always eat when you come home after a night out in college? Hummus. If we ever had to go on a road trip somewhere, we always packed hummus. Studying in the library for hours? Hummus.

And for as long as I can remember, our favorite has been Sabra’s Basil Pesto Hummus.

I found myself craving this delectable spread the other day, with no Sabra in sight. It was traumatic, to say the least.


Basil Pesto Hummus

[Tweet “Homemade hummus is the best hummus”]

Then, I quickly realized that I probably had all of the ingredients to make my own!

And I’ve got to say… sorry, Sabra, but I think ya girl’s version is better.

Basil Pesto Hummus

And wanna know something about this hummus?

It’s green.


And today happens to be St. Patrick’s Day! Which means everything has to be green, right? That’s what that means? All I know is don’t pinch me.

I’ve never been one to celebrate St. Paddy’s Day. And by celebrate I mean the American way: go out and get wasted, just because. I mean, if you do, that’s great – treat yoself. But I’ll be good over here with my basil pesto hummus and my mom’s traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage. (<– Maybe I’ll share the recipe next year. It’s good AF).

Basil Pesto Hummus

[Tweet “Deliciously versatile Basil Pesto Hummus!”]

Basil Pesto Hummus
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
  • 15oz can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 2 tbs tahini
  • 8-10 fresh basil leaves
  • Juice half of a lemon
  • 1 tbsp Parmesan cheese
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 3 tbsp EVOO + more for drizzling
  • 1 tsp salt
  1. Add the chickpeas into a food processor and pulse until they are just roughly chopped.
  2. Add in the tahini, basil, lemon juice, cheese, garlic, salt and EVOO.
  3. Process until desired texture is reached.
  4. Drizzle in EVOO as needed.
Make sure your garlic clove is not too large, or the garlic will overpower everything else.

Basil Pesto Hummus

Join the conversation:
What is one food that you and your SO, best friend, sibling, know that each other just loves?
What is your favorite way to eat hummus?
How do you usually celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

If you liked this recipe, pin it for later!

Basil Pesto Hummus


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  1. says

    YES! I posted a pesto hummus recipe on my blog around this time last year, and I swear it’s still one of my favorite recipes of all-time! This looks so smooth and delectable! I can’t wait to give your version a try this weekend!! :)

  2. says

    My boyfriend and I are the same way!! We LOVE hummus and this is definitely going to be made soon. Especially with the addition of basil…ohmygoodness!! :) I don’t celebrate St. Patrick’s Day because I’m 100% Italian so I guess I’ll just make some green-colored pasta tonight? 😉

  3. says

    Yay for green hummus! I love that Christian eats it because Mark won’t go anywhere near hummus just because he knows it’s healthy.. I know, I date a 12 year old. He did however say last night that he liked my cauliflower fried rice better than the real stuff and I responded “okay, I’ll marry you”

  4. says

    “What is one food that you and your SO, best friend, sibling, know that each other just loves?” — Do cookies count? lol but seriously… That is probably a “snack” I will make for road trips because Drew is just obsessed. And I mean, I like em too 😉

    I actually haven’t made my own hummus yet, out of pure laziness. I make my own nut butters but I can’t gather the motivation for hummus. lol

  5. says

    Recently become obsessed with hummus!! Love it! Have been wanting to try a few different variations for quite some time so loving your recipe! I love hummus with celery/carrot sticks or crackers! We don’t celebrate St Patricks Day much in Australia, it’s just an excuse back home for people to go out and get drunk on a weekday, (which, mind you, Australians are very good at!) I feel like Americans do an awesome job at celebrating holidays we don’t, like Halloween as well!

  6. says

    Oh hay yummus look at dat hummus! Love the addition of basil and that hummus has a special place in your heart. My best friend in college and I collectively shared a love for (many things) especially our favorite coffee shop. No words had to be exchanged, we just always found ourselves there 😉

  7. Tabitha says

    I just made this recipe and I’m eating it in a wrap and also with bell peppers and cherry tomatoes and it’s so good! I’m in that weird happy fog where this food tastes so good and I’m so happy I feel like crying! Thank you for sharing!! I’m gonna eat this hummus til I die. Spread it on my casket.

    Actually, don’t do that.


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