Autumn Panzanella Salad

This panzanella salad combines the flavors of autumn using simple, wholesome ingredients that bring many nutritional benefits.

Autumn Panzanella Salad

Happy Wednesday, friends!

I am so excited to be sharing this repurposed recipe today. It’s a super oldie, but a goodie! I remember why I love it every time I make it – it’s such a mouthwatering combination of textures and flavors, and the perfect side dish for Fall.

Autumn Panzanella Salad

I may or may not be obsessed with squash, and if you are a regular TBB reader, you may be noticing signs of an addiction.

Exhibit A:

Butternut Squash & Black Bean Tacos

Spaghetti Squash with Meatballs & Cilantro Pesto 

Healthy Butternut Squash Baked Penne

Spaghetti Squash Caprese

Quick & Easy Quinoa Harvest Salad (with butternut squash)

Umm… yeah, welp… I’m just going to embrace it because it’s effing delicious.

Autumn Panzanella Salad

So, soooome of you may be wondering what the heck a panzanella salad is. Let’s clear it up real quick.

It’s a Tuscan salad made with bread and tomatoes, and it’s traditionally made in the Summer time. The bread is usually soaked and stale, which results in the hard texture. I decided to use fresh, French bread toasted to a crisp, instead. I also skipped the soaking, but drizzled it with olive oil.

Also, as you can see, there are zero tomatoes. I wanted to completely encompass the idea of Autumn, so I kept it strictly in-season. Acorn squash and kale are the superstars in this dish, and I should mention…I made an uh-oh. I bought brussels sprouts to include in the salad – and totally forgot to include them! I highly encourage that if you make this recipe, include the brussels! They would make a delicious addition.

Autumn Panzanella Salad Autumn Panzanella Salad

Also, funny story. My oven is broken, so I am currently using a tiny toaster oven to make all of my oven-required recipes. That means every recipe, I have to use the toaster oven about three times each for each round of baking. I have a new respect for my friend Perri, who lives in Germany without an oven. HOW DOES SHE DO IT?!

I just love the addition of toasted chunks of bread with panzanella salads. Drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper before tasting. When you take a bite, make sure you get a little squash, a little onion, a little kale and bread on your fork, and enjoy all of the flavors at once.

Autumn Panzanella Salad Autumn Panzanella Salad

If you are new to squash, something to note is that the skin on acorn squash is edible! No need to peel this awkwardly shaped squash! However, while I have enjoyed this salad with the skin on, this edition of the recipe includes a peeled acorn squash.

If you’re new to acorn squash, check out this video for how to cut/peel!

Autumn Panzanella Salad
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 4 Servings
  • 1 acorn squash, seeded and sliced
  • 1 sweet potato, cubed
  • 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • ~6 cups of chopped kale
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 red onion, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 french baguette, cubed
  • Fresh sage, about 3 leaves chopped, and 4-5 leaves for garnish
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ½ tsp black pepper
  1. Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Drizzle a foil-lined baking sheet with 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil. Place acorn squash, red onion chunks, and sweet potato on sheet. Drizzle with another tbsp olive oil. Mix vegetables together with your hands.
  3. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place in the oven for 20 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a large saute pan to medium-high heat. When pan is very hot, add the minced garlic.
  5. When you hear sizzling and the garlic is nearing translucent, add kale. Cover the pan and lower the heat to medium-low. Cook until kale is soft.
  6. When veggies are done roasting, place them aside. Drizzle baking pan with 2 tbsp olive oil, and place cubed bread on top. Toss together so that bread is evenly coated with olive oil. Place in the oven for about 3-5 minutes, or until toasted and visibly charred.
  7. Combine the squash, onion, sweet potato, and kale in a large serving dish. Sprinkle the chunks of bread on top. Add the chopped sage and mix together.
  8. Serve with sage leaves as garnish.


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Join the conversation:
What is your favorite vegetable to roast?
What fruit or vegetable are you most excited for when Fall rolls around?

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Autumn Panzanella Salad


  1. says

    I love roasting brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes…I cannot get enough of sweet potatoes right now. I am actually making one tonight for dinner. So simple and so EASY! I love this salad and how you did a autumn twist on it. Looks DELISH! XOXO

    • says

      I am thinking about serving this, my quinoa harvest salad or a different vegetarian dish at Thanksgiving. My family is the opposite of vegetarians, and I’m not one either but I know how darn good veggie dishes are and want to show them too! (A big family of Cubans who like pork, lol)

  2. says

    I am a huge fan of any roasted veggie, but I absolutely love the classic carrots, potatoes and onions trio. I have to be honest, I didn’t even realize you could eat the skin of an acorn squash?! I see it there in your pics so now I am wondering if I’ve been missing out all these years :)

  3. says

    My friend and I made a DELICIOUS Blue Apron meal last week that involved roasted acorn squash cooked in a Thai curry sauce with mustard greens (and if you want ALL the deets, it was served over black rice. so good.). But that’s when we learned that you can eat the skin, hahah.

  4. says

    Wow I have a new and deeper respect for you too Christina; you amaze me. You are SO SO gifted, even with a little toaster. LOVE the beauty of this salad; it sound like the perfect fall salad; bread, fall veggies, and lettuce. Can you move to Colorado? :) I could learn so much from you! :)

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